Seasonal Allergies vs. Common Cold Fall seems to be the perfect season for sneezing and wheezing. Why is that? How can you know if it…
Every year, millions of people in the United States are affected by mental illness. It’s critical to quantify the prevalence of mental illness better to comprehend its medical, social, and financial consequences and demonstrate that no one is alone. It is important to have effective instruments for increasing public awareness, break down stigma, and push for better healthcare.
Mental illnesses are caused by problems with the human brain. Scientists have discovered a wide range of mental disorders and their treatments over time. Most people suffer from a variety of mental illnesses as a result of the constant pressures of work and stress. These illnesses range from mild to severe, and in some cases, they grow so severe that life becomes unbearably difficult. The following are some examples of mental disorders:
When a person begins to respond inappropriately to particular individuals, objects, or locations, such as being extremely afraid, sweating, rapid heartbeat, irregular breathing, and anxiousness; this is concerning for anxiety disorder. Excessive anxiety about many elements is described as a result of prior experiences such as distressing incidents, abuse, financial issues, or the death of a loved one. Anxiety frequently leads to depression, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other symptoms.
Through telemedicine, patients are able to access healthcare from the comfort of their own home. Medications are sometimes prescribed to help regulate their emotions and bodily reactions to live a stable life
These are persistent psychiatric illnesses that have a significant impact on a person’s life. It is associated with inadequate coping abilities, shown in workplaces or social connections with others. For example, suppose a person believes that everything and everyone is against him or her and that reality is terribly unpleasant. In that case, he or she has no desire to socialize with other people, infringes others, abuses or harms others or himself, or believes that he or she is incapable of doing anything
Psycotic disorders include illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. These are mental illnesses in which the individual looses contact with his or her environment. This disease has a significant impact on the psyche. Patients suffering from this condition have delusions and hallucinations. Delusion is the unshakable belief in things that are not true or have been proven false. On the other hand, a hallucination is when you see or hear things that are not real. These are sensations encountered by the senses, not ideas of a person. Other signs include unusual speech or behavior, mood swings, poor interpersonal connections, and so forth.
The National Institute of Mental Health Disorders, which is part of the National Institutes of Health, has released the most recent statistics:
Major depression (also known as clinical depression), manic depression (formly known as bipolar disorder), schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder are the leading causes of disability in established market economies such as the United States. In any given year, an estimated 26 percent of Americans aged 18 and older – almost one in every four individuals – have a diagnosable mental illness.
Many people have more than one mental illness at the same time. Depressive diseases, in particular, are more likely to coexist with drug misuse and anxiety disorders. Every year, around 9.5 percent of Americans aged 18 and above suffer from a depressive illness (major depression, bipolar disorder, or dysthymia). Women are roughly twice as likely as males to have severe depression. Bipolar disorder, on the other hand, affects both males and women equally. While severe depression can strike at any age, the usual onset age is in the mid-20s.
In the case of bipolar disorder, which affects roughly 2.6 percent of adult Americans each year, the typical age at the start of the first manic episode is in the early twenties. A diagnosable mental disease causes most suicides, most frequently a depressive disorder or a drug addiction problem. Men commit suicide at a rate four times that of women. Women, on the other hand, attempt suicide at a higher rate than males
Adult depression has become quite prevalent in the United States. Depression may be classified into three levels: mild depression, moderate depression, and severe depression. According to research, one out of every four women and one out of every ten men would experience depression at some point in their Life. Loneliness, suicidal thoughts, lack of food, loss of sleep, low energy, chronic sorrow, and other symptoms are all connected with adult depression. the severity of the illness determines the number of symptoms that the patient may encounter. Most patient will become persuaded that something terrible is about to happen to them, such as a terminal sickness or poverty.
According to recent studies, between 6% – 19% of the population will experience severe depression at some point in their lives. Although there is no obvious recognized cause of depression, many researchers believe it is a biological condition. The illness arises for no obvious reason, for example, without any lifestyle changes; the condition tends to run down the family tree, and it can be treated with medications and therapy in most conditions..
Depression is a dangerous illness that must be treated immediately. It can have serious consequences if not addressed. It can disrupt your social life, work, and family relationships, as well as your feeling of self-purpose and self-worth.
Many variables have been identified as potential causes of depression. Some of the causes are as follows: alcoholism, seasonal changes, physical/hormonal changes, traumatic experiences, hypothyroidism, stroke, and heart attack.
There is no clinical test that can be used to identify whether or not a patient is depressed. The symptoms experienced by the patient, the length of time the patient has had the symptoms, and how the symptoms have impacted the patient’s life are all factors in making a diagnosis. Blood tests may be performed as well, but solely to rule out other diseases that cause similar symptoms.
Anxiety disorder affect 13-18% of the general population, although we all experience various type of anxiety throughout our lives. Fear, concern, discomfort, or dread are common symptoms of an anxious emotional state. it is frequently future oriented, which means that our fears are focused on potential threats or bad experiences that have yet to occur.
In the actual world, most of us experience varying degrees of anxiety depending on the scenario. Anxiety isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it might push us to re-plan or re-think a situation before acting. On the other hand, excessive anxiety may be paralyzing to the point that we can’t make a decision, don’t take action, or make a mistake when the event eventually arrives
Anxiety can manifest itself in various ways depending on what causes us to experience fear, concern, or dread. These three forms of anxiety are frequently addressed in current psychology research, although there are likely more types of worry that do not fit neatly into these categories (specific phobias,existential anxiety, death anxiety, etc.) Nonetheless, these are the sorts of worries that we will be discussing in this section:
Fear or stress about social circumstances is referred to as social anxiety. We may feel uneasy or avoid situations involving big groups of people (such as work, public speeches, high school reunions, and so on), or we may feel uneasy or avoid specific types of one-on-one encounters (like job interviews, dating, interacting with a stranger for the first time, or even meeting a celebrity).
In these situations, most people experience some level of anxiety, but it varies significantly from person to person. Some people may feel more at ease in groups, while others prefer one-on-one conversations. Some people like to converse with known faces, While others prefer to meet someone first. It is entirely dependent on the situation and the individual.
As opposed to social anxiety, performance anxiety is a concern or worry about performance, such as a student completing a final test at school, a musician performing on stage, or an athlete competing in a large sports event. We worry that we won’t do our best, that we’ll screw up or lose, and this anxiety can really prevent us from functioning to our full potential (or even performing at all, for example, due to too much “stage fright”).
Instead of focusing on what we need to do to succeed, we become preoccupied with all the ways things may go wrong. This might become a self-fulfilling prophecy at times. Our ideas make us feel more uneasy and ill-prepared, and then those thoughts lead to behaviors that support our earlier beliefs.
Anxiety can stem from uncertainty when making decisions. The fact is that none of us can act or make a decision knowing exactly what the repercussions will be; The world is too complicated, and our minds are incapable of fully comprehending it. As a result, we frequently experience anxiety while making a major decision in our lives because we are unsure if we will be the biggest mistake or the best victory.
Some of the major decisions we must make throughout our lives include: where to go to college, what job to pursue, who to date/marry, where to live, what sort of car to drive, and so on.
Every day, we make decisions and must consider the “opportunity costs” of selecting one alternative over another.According to some studies, the more alternatives we have to pick from, the more difficult it is to decide. They believe that having more alternatives results in a higher “opportunity cost” (theoretically, the more options we have, the more we lose out on). When this opportunity cost gets too great, we can frequently suffer from paralysis by analysis. Analysis paralysis prevents us from making ANY choice because we are unsure of the best course of action.
A variety of things might add to our anxiousness (and our mental health more generally). However, because a wide range of various factors may cause our anxiety, it is frequently preferable to combine many therapies approaches simultaneously.
Physical inactivity and a bad diet can both contribute to anxiety. When we don’t take care of our bodies, it frequently hurts our mental health.
If we don’t eat balanced meals and receive adequate nourishment, likely, our brains aren’t getting enough nutrients as well. This prevents our brains from functioning as effectively as they can, which may contribute to increased anxiety levels.
Physical activity is equally important for our mental and physical well-being. Running, sports, going to the gym, dancing, and other forms of exercise are excellent ways to release tension and worry that may have built up over a few days or weeks. We must have the means to channel hormones (such as adrenaline and cortisol) in a good and healthy manner; otherwise, they appear as tension and worry.
Trace the source of the anxiety: It is believed that diagnosing the circumstances that contribute to anxiety and panic attacks might help you overcome anxiety. As a result, it is recommended that you record the occurrences that occur en route to anxiety episodes for future therapy. You never know what unconsciously sets off your panic episodes.
Breathing: Usually we see an increased breathing rate during an anxiety attack, which is often regarded as one of its early signs. This can develop into a vicious cycle if not treated promptly. You may use the correct breathing method to combat anxiety attacks: slow inhalation for four counts, hold your breath for seven counts, and gradually exhale through your mouth.
Air and water therapy: It is believed that the soothing influence of fresh air, attractive surroundings, and quiet water has an immediate impact on conquering anxiety attacks. As soon as you feel yourself approaching an anxiety attack, get some fresh air, a cool shower, or a refreshing drink.
Focus on Anxiety: Because anxiety is such a complex state of mind, it is critical to exercise complete control over your mental power, focus on anxiety, and liberate yourself from being controlled or overwhelmed by it. You may also repeat to yourself and even proclaim out loud that you will not give in to stress and worry.
Muscle relaxation: Anxiety hurts your body. Practice muscular relaxation (clench and release) starting from your feet and progressively working your way up to your head, using every part of your body until you have overcome your fear.
Music for Relaxation: Music therapy is a popular, well-established, and possibly the oldest method of treating stress, panic, and anxiety disorders. Music is supposed to calm your senses and shift your attention away from the source of your worry. It’s a fantastic stress reliever.
Improving mental health in America is not a quick cure. We will need to re-think how we define healthcare to include behavioral health, overcoming stigma so that individuals feel comfortable seeking help, and bringing together various medical professionals, doctors, and/or specialists to develop innovative ways to offer that care. While the industry strives to overcome the obstacles that impede comprehensive behavioral health services, NextGenDoc uses telemedicine to expand access to quality mental health treatment.
In Texas, Illinois, and Florida, NextGenDoc is a leading provider of Telemedicine Doctors focusing on Primary Care. Our board-certified physicians use cutting-edge technology and medical procedures to provide the best possible treatment for our patients. We recognize that our patients have hectic schedules, and we take pleasure in responding to each patient’s specific requirements.
NextGenDoc is a physician-led practice with technology-enabled platforms that are simple to use and HIPAA compliant. Our hybrid approach combines virtual visits with a customized touch to guarantee that our patients receive the best possible care — not simply an appointment.
We understand how difficult it may be to accommodate appointments into your schedule. It might be tough to leave the house when dealing with mental health symptoms or even finding time to commute to an in-person appointment regularly. We think that mental health treatments should be simple and accessible, so we provide them online.
When you schedule a telemedicine appointment with NextGenDoc, you can be certain that your session will be safe, effective, and reasonably priced. Connect with a Board Certfied Family Medicine Physician that is available around the clock. Make your appointment today.
Our BOARD CERTIFIED Physicians provides telemedicine services for any acute care or primary care issue, including mental health concerns, acute illnesses, weight loss management. NextGenDoc also performs telemedicine visits for chronic illnesses such as hypothyroidism, hypertension, medication refills to name a few.
Yes. Our BOARD CERTIFIED physician can prescribe or refill medicines during a telemedicine session if it is suitable for your treatment plan.
You will need a high-speed internet connection and a connected device with video capability to attend your telehealth session. This device might be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. After you confirm your appointment, NextGenDoc will give you login details.
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Seasonal Allergies vs. Common Cold Fall seems to be the perfect season for sneezing and wheezing. Why is that? How can you know if it…
ARE YOU AWARE OF YOUR MENTAL HEALTH? Every year, millions of people in the United States are affected by mental illness. It's critical to quantify…
As the team at NextGenDoc.com, we understand the discomfort and frustration that can come with a sinus infection, also known as sinusitis. This common condition,…